Galactic Adventures

ISSUE 08  |  OCTOBER 14, 2024
Camper Vans gathered at a campfire at sunset

Overland Expo East 2024


Hello, Storytellers! 

Thanks to everyone that joined us at Overland Expo East! We had an amazing turnout of owners, had a taco night and shared stories around the fire. There's not much that beats a good Storyteller hang. And as always, there are more opportunities for you to join! See below for what Peter and Eve are planning for November and December. 

If you have a story you would like to share or a photo you would like to see featured, please don’t hesitate to reach out — 

Denver Nuggets Dance Crew + BEAST MODE

Sydney Jordan, 2023 Beast MODE

Ever since I was a little girl hiking out in the Smokies with my dad, my dream has always been to travel the world and live in a van. My other dream was to become a professional dancer. Weirdly enough, I accomplished both at the same time!

After graduating college in May of 2023, I was lucky enough to use my dad’s Storyteller Overland Beast MODE as my new home. I traveled across the country, heading straight for the Rocky Mountains! My goal during the summer of ‘23 was to #1 explore Colorado while living out of the van, and #2 audition to be an NBA Dancer with the Denver Nuggets.

My dad, Scott Jordan, has always been my #1 supporter and someone I constantly look up to. From hiking with me on his shoulders when I was just a baby to now trail running and climbing 14ers together - we’ve always found new ways to explore, but our van has let us see more than we ever thought possible! 

I honestly would not have been able to audition out in Colorado without our van, which I will forever be so grateful for. Yes, it was definitely a challenge during the audition process as I was driving back and forth from various campgrounds, practicing routines outside, searching for places to eat and shower, and navigating around storms, schedules, and safety as a solo traveler. Overall, I had the best experience using our Beast MODE as it was always reliable and ended up feeling like home!

I took prep classes for multiple weeks with the dance team before auditions started. I had a great experience road-tripping back and forth from the mountains to the front range as our van is easy to drive and extremely safe! Once the audition process started at the end of the summer, I found a campground outside of Golden, Colorado to stay at.

The audition process lasted about 2 weeks. I met so many amazing girls and also got to show off our Beast MODE as it ended up being the perfect spot for us to spend our downtime in!

I was so nervous before they announced the team, but knew that this had been the best summer no matter what happened. When they called my number announcing that I had made the 2023-2024 Denver Nuggets Dance Team, I was so insanely excited! 

It was such an unforgettable experience. Something I will never forget is the support I received from my whole family! My dad made so many trips out to Colorado that summer just to spend time with me in our Beast MODE. I also will always be very proud of myself for committing and taking that chance. You never know where life will take you, but I am very thankful for where mine has taken my family and I - and we’re excited to see where it takes us next in our Beast MODE!

I Took My MODE Van to Burning Man

Merissa Petersen

How I Protected My Classic MODE at Burning Man: A Life-Changing Experience

Burning Man is more than a festival or a party in the desert — it’s a transformative journey into a world where creativity, community, and self-expression rule. 

I had always heard people talk about the magic of the playa, but experiencing it firsthand was life-changing. I know, that sounds a little bit exaggerative and, I thought the same after hearing friends say their lives had been changed. But, this truly was life-changing. Burning Man is often described as a transformational experience, but words hardly do justice to the impact it had on my life. Heading into the Nevada desert in my Classic MODE, I felt both excitement and a bit of apprehension. After all, the playa’s harsh elements are infamous, and keeping my van safe from the relentless dust was a top priority. 

In this post, I’ll share how I kept my van clean and protected, while also diving into why Burning Man left such a profound mark on my life. Spoiler: it’s more than just the dust storms—it’s the people, the art, and the principles that make Burning Man so unforgettable.

Burning Man: More Than Just a Festival

Burning Man is built around 10 guiding principles, from radical self-expression and communal effort to environmental responsibility like Leave No Trace. These ideas permeate every interaction and experience during the week. For me, the principles of radical self-reliance, radical inclusion, and communal effort stood out the most. 

Out on the playa, you quickly realize that it’s not just about surviving—it’s about thriving in an environment that demands resourcefulness. Everyone comes together to build a temporary city, offering everything from art installations to random gifts and shared meals, with no expectations of receiving anything in return. This spirit of generosity and self-expression impacted me deeply, reminding me of the beauty that arises when people come together to create without ulterior motives.

One thing that struck me about Burning Man is how closely its core principles align with the values of the Storyteller community. The emphasis on Leave No Trace, radical inclusivity, and strong communal efforts is a shared mindset in both worlds. Just like the Storyteller community, Burners are dedicated to respecting the environment and taking care of the spaces we inhabit. The sense of camaraderie and the spirit of generosity, where people come together to build something bigger than themselves, felt just like the supportive atmosphere we have within the Storyteller family. It was inspiring to see how these principles played out in real-time on the playa and how they echo what we practice in the vanlife community.

Prepping the Classic MODE for the Playa

Before heading out to Black Rock City, I knew that preparation was key. The dust at Burning Man is infamous—it gets everywhere and can be corrosive to anything it touches. The alkaline nature of the dust can be tough on the skin, if not properly protected, and it’s particularly harsh on electronics and vehicles. Despite its challenges, the dust has become an iconic part of the Burning Man experience, symbolizing both the harsh and transformative environment that the community must navigate during the event.

Because the dust gets everywhere, it's pretty important to wear goggles and a mask to avoid breathing it in or getting it in your eyes. And trust me, the post-event clean-up of your van and gear is no joke! You really have to stay on top of it to prevent any long-term damage from the corrosive dust.

So, I made sure both me and my MODE were ready for the week. I checked all the seals, got my blackout shades and bug screens ready (dust screens, in this case), and packed enough cleaning supplies to tackle a small desert.

Here are the essentials I brought:

Vinegar: Vinegar neutralizes the alkalinity of the playa dust. I diluted it with water to use to clean everything that was exposed to dust. 

Shade: I brought the Canyon Adventure Vans Awning Shade Extension. This was extremely helpful for keeping the dust out and anchoring the Girard awning down when it got windy. I then took some Aluminet and attached it on the side of the awning extension to keep the sun out, but still allow for airflow.

Air filters: To keep the air inside as clean as possible - I didn’t end up using these, but would keep them in my kit just in case. 

Spray bottle: A spray bottle filled with ⅔ water, ⅓ vinegar to spray on my body and hair after a day/night out in the dust.

Extra water: So. Much. Water. I have an upgraded water tank, so I was hopeful that I wouldn’t run out of regular water. But, I wanted to ensure I had enough drinking water, plus plenty of extra just in case. 

Floor mats: The Inhabit floor mats basically saved my van. I was worried about all the dust getting dragged in from my backpack and clothes, but these mats totally saved the day. After the event, I took them to the car wash, hosed them down, and they looked as good as new. What really blew me away was how well they kept the dust off the floors. There was barely any dust inside the van at all! Plus, cleaning them was a breeze. I was super impressed with how they handled the playa conditions.

Soft Storage from Flarespace: I loved having the storage bags from Flarespace to help keep everything organized and accessible. I used one on the back of the seat to store everything I wanted to keep handy for going out on the playa such as goggles, headlamps, lights for my body, bandanas, sunglasses, and extra snacks. I used the larger bag under my bed to store all of my items that were specific to Burning Man such as cleaning supplies, lotion, small hair/clothing accessories, extra lights, and batteries.

Battling Playa Dust: Keeping the Van Clean

The dust at Burning Man is relentless. Even with all my prep, I knew I’d be fighting to keep the van clean. The MODE is well-designed to handle tough environments, but nothing can fully stop the dust. Each day, I made it a habit to do a quick cleaning ritual to keep things under control. I also tried to keep the habit of always taking my shoes off and dusting myself off before entering the van.

Here’s what worked:

Use your bug screens: The bug screens that come stock in the Storyteller are wonderful for keeping dust out. With the second blackout layer that rolls down and the strong magnets keeping it closed, there wasn’t much dust getting inside.

Check seals and seal anything questionable: I brought blue painter’s tape to seal around my windows as an extra layer of protection. But, honestly, the seals on the van are made to keep the elements out, so I was confident that they would do a good job keeping dust out (and they did!). I checked the seals a few days prior and monitored them during, and kept painter's tape on deck just in case. 

Daily wipe-downs: At the beginning of the day, I’d take a cloth with apple cider vinegar and wipe down every surface inside the van. It might sound tedious, but it kept the dust from building up and made the space livable.

Extra bedding: I made sure to pack a few extra sheets and plenty of extra pillowcases. After dealing with the playa dust all day, being able to put on clean bedding every couple of days kept my bed feeling somewhat fresh and less gritty. And, sleeping on a clean silk pillowcase every night speaks for itself. Small comforts like that go a long way when you’re in such a wild, dusty environment. 

Vacuum: One thing I was really grateful for was the Central Vac from Canyon. It was an absolute game-changer to be able to quickly vacuum out my van and even my clothes a few times a day. It made such a huge difference in keeping the dust under control!

Blow out air conditioner post-burn: Blow out air conditioner with high-pressured air prior to washing the van. This removes all the dust so it doesn’t become a cement mixture when wet.

Keep everything in sealed totes outside: We made sure to keep an empty tote outside to collect dusty coats, boots, and bags. We also had a few other totes full of equipment and one full of dry foods. This kept the dust and clutter out of the vans.

Making Life Easier on the Playa: The Essentials I Brought

Surviving the play is all about preparation and having the right gear to make life easier in such a harsh environment. Aside from my van, a few key items really helped elevate the experience and keep things manageable throughout the week.

First up, my air fryer and the stock microwave—I know, it might sound a bit extra for Burning Man, but these were lifesavers. Having quick, easy meals without needing to sit and cook every time was such a time-saver, especially when I needed a fast, healthy meal between activities or before being out all night. Without either of these, I would have ended up skipping meals or settling for unhealthy snacks. Having my extra fridge/freezer from IceCo made bringing a week’s worth of frozen meals and ice (!!), plus plenty of fruits, vegetables, and juices possible. I premade foods that would be easy to reheat and placed them all in individual bags, then stacked them in the freezer. I used both zones of the IceCo as a freezer, then kept all my fruits and perishables in the van refrigerator. Trust me, having a stash of good comfort food out there made a world of difference when you’re craving something familiar after a long day in the desert. I brought an extra 1000W portable battery and solar panel to keep my extra freezer plugged in so I didn’t have to worry about it using too much power. 

A Super73 electric bike and OneWheel were my go-to methods of getting around the playa. With the massive space to explore (literally, the size of a small city) and countless art installations placed miles away from each other, these helped me cover more ground without exhausting myself. I liked having a second option for transportation so I could share with my friends and because as the week went on the playa got bumpier to ride on, making the Super 73 the best overall option for getting around. I ended up using the Super 73 for going out on the deep playa and the OneWheel for short trips to visit friends or go to an activity at another camp during the day. 

These little luxuries helped make my Burning Man experience not just survivable, but actually incredibly enjoyable, allowing me to focus on the magic of the event rather than just the logistics.

What I’d Do Differently Next Time

Honestly, I felt more prepared for Burning Man than I thought I would. I spent months prior doing research, reading countless Facebook posts, and studying packing lists from veteran burners. With all the resources out there, there weren’t many things that I wished I would have brought or done differently. But, I learned a few things that I’d change next time.

1. Always close the door: Ensure my door is closed during dust storms, even when just running a few feet away to the bathroom.. Who knew a dust storm could come that fast?!

2. Plan activities better: Next time, I’d definitely take a bit more time to look over the schedule beforehand and make note of the events I didn’t want to miss. There were a few I had my heart set on but got caught up in the flow of things and totally missed them. That said, there’s something truly beautiful about just going with the flow at Burning Man—letting the experience unfold without a rigid schedule. It allowed me to stumble upon unexpected moments of magic that I wouldn’t trade for anything. But a little more planning could have made sure I hit those can’t-miss events while still embracing the spontaneity of the playa.

3. Make note of friends’ camps: Reach out to everyone before getting out on the playa and write down where they will be camped. People lose service or turn their phones off for the week, so I ended up relying on chance to see some of my friends. Thankfully, the playa provided, and in a sea of 70,000 people, I somehow managed to find almost everyone.

How the Storyteller Overland Classic MODE Saved the Day

I felt incredibly fortunate to have my home there with me - it proved to be a lifesaver through this experience. The comfort and reliability it provided were invaluable, especially during the heat and dust storms. After a long day and night of exploring and dancing until the sun came up, returning to my home with my own bed, an air conditioner, and real food was an absolute gift. I felt a little guilty knowing how much comfort I had with my setup and how I was definitely not roughing it as much as others.

I had enough power to run my air conditioner when needed, use my Starlink, and microwave pre-made meals so I stayed well-fed the entire week. The Storyteller insulated window covers came in clutch keeping the sun/heat out of the van and the bug screens helped keep the dust out. I had plenty of power, food, and water, plus an extremely comfortable space (you can’t beat having your own home at an event like this!). And, in an environment where resources are precious, these features made a huge difference.

Reflections: Why Burning Man Changed My Life

Burning Man isn’t just an event—it’s a shift in how you see the world. The principles of radical inclusion, self-expression, Leave No Trace, and communal effort stay with you long after you’ve left the desert. I left Black Rock City with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for community and creativity. These same values resonate so strongly with the Storyteller community. Just like in vanlife, we prioritize Leave No Trace, ensuring we respect the environment and spaces we explore. Radical inclusivity and communal effort are also at the core of both Burning Man and the Storyteller community, where we lift each other up, share experiences, and create meaningful connections on the road. The alignment between the two worlds really deepened my connection to both, making me more mindful of the way I live and travel.

The experience made me more conscious of how I want to live my life—less focused on material things, and more on building connections and experiences. And through it all, my MODE van was there to support me, proving that with the right preparation, you can take on even the harshest environments and come out with a greater understanding of yourself.

Ready for Your Own Adventure? If you’re thinking of heading to Burning Man or any other epic adventure, trust me—preparation is everything. My Classic MODE helped make my experience more comfortable, safe, and enjoyable, giving me a solid home base in such a wild environment. It’s a game-changer when you’re tackling something as unpredictable as Burning Man. If you’re planning your own journey, having the right setup can make everything smoother and more fun!

Camp Outs with Peter + Eve!

Van Life Meetups can be so many things– adventurous, educational, loads of fun, inclusive and always complete with the coolest explorers on planet Earth. Our friends - and Storyteller ‘23 Classic MODE owners - Peter Esparza & Eve Mendoza are known for coordinating meetups that are all of the above and beyond. 

Recently, Peter & Eve were hosts of the End of Summer Camp Out in Emma Woods – located on the Central Coast of California. Their goal? Unite SoCal and NorCal van lifers for an end of summer weekend, celebrating a summer well adventured and future roadtrips to be had. 

“Everyone was mingling, everyone was vibing, no matter your age or your experience with van travel, everyone had so much fun. In all, we had 20 vans join us for the weekend.” - Eve

“We love to do events that are at campgrounds to remove barriers to access for people who are new to adventure vans. We are interested in bringing people together – our End of Summer Camp Out had five brand new vanlifers in attendance.” - Peter

After a successful End of Summer Camp Out, Peter & Eve’s focus switched to their next two major gatherings – VansGiving and Deck the Vans. 


VansGiving is in its 2nd year and will be held at Lake Camanche South Shore Cottonwood Campground in Northern California, November 8-10, 2024. Last year’s VansGiving saw 18 vans in attendance but as of writing this article, VansGiving already has 48 vans signed up to attend with room for more! 

Sites are big enough to fit 2 vans double sites can fit 3 vans. 

Book your site(s) here!

If you're planning on joining, bring a dish to share for Saturday's PotLuck style dinner and please also bring 1 - 2 bundles of wood for the communal campfire!

Deck the Vans: A Holiday STOry

Deck the Vans is also in it’s 2nd year and this year will be located at Lopez Lake Campground in Arroyo Grande, CA. December 13 - 15. This event is currently booked in the two campgrounds we have, however you can still book an individual campsite at Lopez Lake and still join in on the fun! 

SOUL Power

In partnership with Storyteller's SOUL Program, both of these events will have a give back initiative that will directly benefit the community we are camping in. 

At VansGiving, we'll collect non-perishable foods and raise funds for a food bank in the Northern California area.

And at Deck the Vans, we will team up with Fireman Steve and the LA county Fire Department’s “Spark of Love Toy Drive.” 

So if you're joining either or both of these, please also bring items to donate! 

Gearing up for Vannonball Run!

Prepare to follow along - or join! - the 4,866 miles of untamed adventure across the US– from the Olympic Peninsula (most NW corner) to Key West (Southernmost tip). 

Leading the pack is Lee Conn – co-founder of Storyteller Overland and land speed record holder for 1650CC production pushrod motorcyle – tearing up the trail in a fiery red 2024 Storyteller MODE XO. The van never stops running, even for fuel, and yet the crew sleeps, eats, and showers as if in a 5 star hotel.

Sign up for email updates regarding route details, race rules and more at

The Inaugural Vannonball Run begins October 30, 2024 🏁

Overland Gothic @ HQ

Our team at HQ joined in on creating their Overland Gothics .. check out the photos below and prepare to giggle! 

Upcoming Events

Join us at the last few events of 2024!

OCT. 19 - 20     Adventure Van Expo, Big Bear Lake, CA

NOV. 1 - 2         Snowvana, Portland, OR

What an incredible year 2024 has been! We've had a blast seeing you all out and about, camping together and sharing breakfast burritos. There are still a few more events left on the calendar - hope you can join us! 

OCT. 19 - 20   
 Adventure Van Expo, Big Bear Lake, CA

NOV. 1 - 2     
Snowvana, Portland, OR

Life's Greatest Luxury is saying YES to the Next Grand Adventure! 

We'd love to hear your stories and see your pictures from the road!
Send to Emma at:

Emma Walsmith with her STO Classic MODE Adventure Van

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